True: My Personality
Personal Characteristics - Summary
- You have liberal views and attitudes about the world
- You appear to be very ambitious
- You're very intellectual
- You are moderately conscientious
- You have a high level of integrity
- You sometimes seek out adventure
- You have a somewhat adaptable personality
- Occasionally you behave in a dominant manner
Money Attitudes - Summary
- You realize the importance of money but it doesn't consume your thoughts
Social Life - Summary
- Certain facets of your personality may occasionally make it challenging for others to interact with you
- Having a social network is somewhat important to you
Stress Reaction - Summary
- It appears that your understanding of your own emotions and those of others is average
- In general, your reaction to stress is somewhat adaptive
- You display a few psychological traits that may interfere with your day-to-day functioning
Communication Style - Summary
- You are somewhat comfortable being vulnerable to your romantic partner
- You need a lot of emotional intimacy
- You are somewhat open to accepting your partner's opinions, goals, and input in the relationship
- You communicate somewhat effectively and considerately with other people
- You have a moderate need for intellectual, thought-provoking discussions with partner
Conflict Resolution - Summary
- You have relatively strong conflict resolution skills
- You are somewhat prone to conflict
Relationship Issues - Summary
- You appear to be ready to commit to a serious, long-term relationship
- You are looking for a companion to have fun with and potentially date long-term
- Generally, you believe romance should be preserved for special occasions
- You are not attentive towards your romantic partner
- You don't believe in being chivalrous
- You have somewhat modern beliefs related to gender roles
Attachment Style - Summary
- Your level of reliance on your partner is occasionally unhealthy
Sex Life - Summary
- Your sexual experience is limited
- When it comes to sex and sexuality you are quite liberal in your attitudes and behaviors
- When committed to someone, you are a faithful and loyal partner
Jonas Liljegren
Last modified: Sun Nov 14 19:27:00 CET 2004