Sergey Melnik wrote: > > Could you give an example of IDs that you generate for the reified > statements? The two tables are STATEMENTS and RESOURCES. And there is only one sequence. If you would store the triple (A, B, C), where would be three resources and one statement: 1. Resource A 2. Resource B 3. Resource C 4. Statement (A, B, C) If the local namespace is "L#", there would be an implicit resource, not stored in the database, with the URI "L#4", that would represent the statement. If you later have a triple (L#4, D, C), there would be one more resource and one more statement in the database: 5. Resource D 6. Statement (L#4, D, C) The API has a mothod to get a resource object (written in Perl): $res = get_node_by_uri("C"); This object can be used to get all statement that has the resource as its object: $list_ref = $res->get_arcs_by_object(); The list ref is now a reference to a list of statement objects. Lets put them in two separate variables: ($first, $second) = @$list_ref; Suppose that the second statement object returned by the method is the statement with the database id 6. Now get the subject for this statement: $subj = $second->subj(); Now. This subject has the internal id 6. The subject object got created by the get_arcs_by_object() method call. That triggerd the SQL select statement in the resource table. That query found no records. It then did a second query in the statement table, and found the id there. The object knows therefore that the resource is a statement. It's implicit properties will be handled by the objects own method. I do not see the use for allowing reification of isolated properties for the reified statement. But that COULD be supported by a second layer of autogenerated numbers, I suppose... The RDF Schema Editor uses a design with three layers. 1. The Source layer. This layer has the class for the DBI interface. Interfaces for other types of RDF storage could be added later. The application will never use the internal database id's, and will not depend on the way the triples are accessed. 2. The Simple layer. This layer implements the core RDF, with the basic methods and constructors. This layer will inherit from the chosen Source layer. 3. The Schema layer. This implemets all the methods that needs the RDF schema. Thngs like determining a objects properties by recursivly examining each parent object, etc. Each of these layers have three classes. a) The Model class, b) the Resource class, and c) the Statement class. Take a look at: